Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Synth Brass 2

Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Acoustic Bass

Blue- jean ba-by with your big blue eyes don't want you look-in' at oth- er guys. Got to make you give me one more chance I can't keep still so ba-by let's dance Well a blue-jean bop is the bop for me Well it's the bop that's done in dun-ga-ree You dip your hip free your knee swing it on your heel ba-by one two three well the blue-jean bop bl-ue-jean bop-a-ba-by blue-jean bop bl-ue-jean bop a-ba-by blue-jean bop ba-by won't you bop with Gene Bop Blue Caps Bop! Well blue-jean ba-by when I bop with you, well my heart starts a-hop-pin' like a a kan-ga-roo My feet do things they nev-er done be-fore Well-a blue-jean ba-by, give me more more more Well blue-jean bop, bl-ue-jean bop, a-ba-by, blue-jean bop a-blue-jean bop, a-ba-by, blue-jean bop, ba-by won't you bop with Gene Rock it a-gain, Blue Caps,+go! Well a-blue-jean bop, bl-ue-jean bop, a-ba-by, blue-jean bop a-blue-jean bop, a-ba-by, blue-jean bop, ba-by won't you bop with Gene Blue Caps, bop with Gene, now, let's go! Well it's a-blue-jean a-blue-jean bop, a-blue-jean a-blue-jean bop, oh ba-by, a-blue-jean, a-blue-jean bop, a-blue-jean, a-blue-jean bop, a blue-jean, a-ba-by won't you bop with Gene!